Our Story

Feeling connected to myself is everything to me. I created Soul Space to bring more intentional moments of peace and calm into your day.

Soul Space emerged from a deeply personal journey to bring more intentional moments of peace and calm into everyday life. Our mission is rooted in the belief that the power of scent connects us to our most authentic selves, creating moments where we are present, mindful, and truly alive.

My own path to discovering the profound influence of scent began with a love for incense sticks. For years I used them in personal self-care rituals to help stay present and create a calming atmosphere. However, the revelation of harsh, artificial ingredients and heavy smoke common in incense sticks led me to seek a healthier, more authentic alternative.

While living in Europe, I was introduced to an ancient practice of gently heating all-natural incense over a candle. Inspired, I embarked on a mission to modernize this method, leading to the development of what I call, “incense warming". This technique, combined with our carefully crafted all-natural incense blends, offer an experience that is both low-smoke and ash-free. It’s a way for our customer to immerse themselves in scent, knowing their well-being isn’t compromised.

I am incredibly excited to introduce this innovative product and unique method of incense warming to the U.S.! I hope that our ceramic incense holders and all-natural incense blends serve as a natural reminder that this moment is yours, inviting you to connect with your unique soul space through the calming, gentle aromas of our creations.

Rachelle Jacob-Wendler, Founder